Stock Code:

ESAB 7100 Dual Shield Ultra MIG Wire

$140.80 (excl.GST)

ESAB Dual Shield 7100 Ultra
1.2mm | 15kg spool

Flux Cored Wire. Mild Steel.
It is used i a wider parameter range and generates less welding fumes than many similar welding wires.

- All-position wire
- The low spatter levels and easy slag removal minimizes post weld cleanup
- Applications include railcar and earth moving equipment, as well as general structural steel fabrication.?
- Crack resistant in critical applications
- Meets most lowest anticipated service temperature application

Welding Process:
Flux Cored

Shielding Gas
M21 : Mixed gas 75% Ar - 25% CO2 | C1: Active gas 100% CO2

Welding Positions:
