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ESAB Aristo Fluid

$22.95 (excl.GST)

Aristo Fluid is a top of the line advanced anti spatter liquid from ESAB that keeps the welding torch nozzle and tip clear and prevents spatter from sticking to the workpiece surface.

- Very easy to apply as it has very good wettability to the surface
- Working temperature of 200 °C
- Tested to weld up to 1 m (3 ft) with one time coating of nozzle & tip
- Less cleaning after weld. Swipe of brush over the surface removes spatter or just tapping
- Water based, non-flammable, non-toxic, silicone free and safe for welders
- Composed of a special mixture with ingredients in water and a anti spatter base of 23.5%

Package: 500 ml aerosol can and as sprayable liquid