Stock Code:

3M Speedglas Welding Helmet 9100. Auto-Darkening

$757.69 (excl.GST)

3M Speedglas Welding Helmet 9100XXi. Non-respiratory

High performance and comfort.
Welding lens used in this helmet is also compatible with the entire Speedglas 9100 respiratory welding helmet range.
This means the 9100XXi lens will allow you to upgrade to powered or supplied air respiratory protection at a fraction of the price when the time comes.


• Professional fixed-front welding helmet with extra-large viewing area.
•  Auto-On Largest viewing area on the market with peripheral SideWindows. Shade 5 windows enhance your peripheral vision and widen your overall field of view.
• Speedglas True-View Technology for superior colour recognition and contrast .
• External Grind
• Heat reflecting silver front with an external button for grind and welding memory settings: Weld, Cut, Grind, Hidden Arc, Outdoor, Passive and Tack.
• Lens reacts down to an industry-leading 1 amp and has the highest optical classification (1/1/1).
• Advanced TST (TIG Sensor Technology) down to industry leading 1 amp. Centre photo-sensor for TIG.
• High comfort head harness with two crown straps for optimum balance.
• Increased coverage for ears and neck.
• Aerodynamic exhaust vents assist in removing exhaled air, helping to keep your welding lens fog-free.
• Built-in holder for magnifying lenses.
• Compliant with AS/NZS1337.1 for high impact eye and face protection.


Shades 5, 8-13 with a light shade of 3 

Viewing Area:

Large 73 x 107mm viewing area +SideWindows


526000 Outside Cover Lens
528025 Inner Cover Lens

Package Includes:

1. Helmet with auto-darkening lens
2. Magnifying lens holder
3. Exhaust vents remove exhaled air
4. Heat-reflecting silver front
5. Helmet bag and 2 free outside cover lenses

✔️Speedglas TrueView Welding Lens
❌Variable Colour Technology
✔️Stick Welding
✔️MIG Welding
✔️TIG Welding
✔️Grinding Feature: External One-Touch Grind
✔️Plasma Welding & Cutting
✔️Tack Welding
✔️Memory Mode (Set-and-Forget)
✔️SideWindow Peripheral Vision
✔️Hidden Arc Mode
❌Blue-Tooth Enabled
❌Optional Task Light
✔️Comfort Exhaust Vents
❌Adjustable Air Control
Switching time, light-dark: 0.1 ms (+23 C)
Delay (switching time, dark-light): 40-800 ms